
Connecting to Dynamics On Premise

The following documentation relates to version 3.0.2074 and above.

If your Dynamics instance uses IFD (Internet Facing Deployment) which will use ADFS Authentication please use the Office 365 Federated authentication type.

In Data Sync open the connection window by clicking on the Connect Data Source in either the source or destination. Choose Microsoft Dynamics and then the Microsoft Dynamics 365 provider.

Dynamics On Premise Connection

Enter in the URL to your Dynamics organisation and Data Sync will convert this to the SOAP/WCF service URL needed for the connection.

Make sure to set the Authentication Type to Active Directory Username & Password and then enter in your user credentials. If you leave the username and password blank then the current process identity is used.

Now click onto the Connect button to connect.

You should now be able to select an entity to connect to from the drop down list.

Once you have done this click Connect & Create Library Connection to save the connection to your local connection library. Please note that you only need to save the connection to your site once, you will be able to access all of your entities within that site from the connection library.