Run Tool

Increment Version Number Step

You can use the Version Number Increment step to increment a number saved to a user setting in your Run Tool project. We use this in our build environment to increment the version number of Data Sync.

Add Step

To add a version number increment step to your Run Tool Project click onto the Add Step button and select Version Number Increment from the list. Enter in a name for the step and click OK.

Increment Version Number Step


This will then open the configuration window. Enter in the required parameters and click OK to add the step.


Setting Description
Setting to Increment Enter in the setting name to increment.
Increment Major Set the major increment value.
Increment Minor Set the minor increment value.
Increment Build Set the increment build value.

The step will then be added to the bottom of your project, move this to where you need it to be, set the run condition and save the project.