
Comparison Window

The below tutorial will cover how to compare your source to target and target to source and what the results mean.

To compare your source to target you can use the Compare A -> B button contained in the shortcut menu, or you can use the options contained within the Data Menu.

NB: If you are looking to compare your target to your source Swap Sides is a better option to use and then run the comparison of B to A.

Compare Button

This will open the comparison tab, where you can view what is to be added, updated and/or deleted.

Compare Results

In this example we have a combination of additions. deletions and updates.

If we click onto ADD we can view all of the additions:

Compare Results

If we click onto UPDATE we can view all of the updates. The highlighted columns show where the target differs when compared to the source:

Compare Updates

If we click onto DELETE we can view all of the deletions:

Compare Deletes

NB: Delete is disabled by default, this can be enabled in the connection properties.


The comparison window has a toolbar containing the following functions:

Compare Functions


Sync the results from the comparison

Check All

Check all of the rows in the Sync column within the results, so then all rows will be synchronised.

Clear All

Clear all of the checks from the Sync column within the results, so then all rows will not be synchronised. Allows the user to determine which rows they wish to be synced.

Toggle Selected

Toggle the selected options

Export Results

Export the comparison results to an Excel file.

Export Results XML

Export the comparison results to an XML file.

Comparing Target to Source

You can also compare your target to your source by going to the Data Menu and choosing Compare B -> A. This will then return results like to those seen for Compare A -> B above.


Define a Key Column

If you get the following error message appear when you go to compare the data:

Key Column Error

This means you have not defined a key column. To resolve this go back to your schema map and check the key column box for your key column.

Have a Unique Key Column

If you get the following message appear in the compare window:

Duplicate Keys

and a message similar to this in the output window:

Duplicate Keys Output Window

Then you do not have unique key values for your data, please go back and review your data to ensure that each record has a unique identifier.

Data Types

If you get an error message similar to the one below appear when you go to compare the data:

Data Type Error

Then it means you do not have the right data type for columns, please go back and review your data and the columns corresponding data types. For example this could be trying to insert string data into a int32 field.