
Ouvvi Status Report Email

To send a daily status email report detailing all of the projects that were run in the previous day use the Ouvvi Status Report Step type.

Ensure that your SMTP Server settings are configured in Settings->System Settings

Create a new Project and Add a new Step of type Ouvvi Status Report.

Status Report Project

Configuration Settings

Parameter Value
From Email address to send the report from.
To, CC, Bcc Email addresses to send the report to separated with a ;
Subject Email Subject line.
Report Time window How far back to run the report.
Only Include Projects that have Run Check to include only projects that were run in time window.
Report name Name of report default=Blank (used for custom reports only)

You can preview the report by going to the URL http://<ouvviserver>/status

Status Report Configuration


Add a Start Of Day Trigger to the Project to Run this project each morning.


Each morning receive a Status Report for the projects that were run and the current Status of those projects.

Status Report Message

Failure Report

The Status Report can be used with the Ouvvi Project Error Trigger to create a report that is emailed whenever a project in Ouvvi fails.

  • Create a new Trigger of the type Ouvvi Project Error Trigger.
  • Create a new project and add a Ouvvi Status Report step, set the Report Time Window property to a smaller time period to include what has just happened say 30 minutes.
  • Add the Trigger to this new project.

Now whenever a project fails in Ouvvi this project will run and send a failure report.

Status Report Failure Message