
Microsoft SQL Compact Edition (SQLCE) Database

The Microsoft SqlCe 4.0 Database provider connects to a Microsoft SqlCe v4.0 Database via the SQLCE ADO.NET Client Library.

Download the Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 runtime for the OleDB Driver, note for Data Sync 64-Bit you will need to install the 64-Bit version

Connect to SqlCe 4.0 Database

SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE SQL Statements are automatically calculated from the Data Schema. Only those columns in the Schema Map are affected the Key(s) columns define the WHERE condition for UPDATE and DELETE.

In Incremental Mode the IN clause is used to return matching records based on the Key selection in groups of 100.


The SQL Command timeout in seconds.


Path to the Access Database file.


The TABLE or VIEW that the Data source is connected to.


A user defined SQL Query to use instead of SourceTable setting this property overrides SourceTable and makes the Data source read-only.

Data Sync wraps your command text so it appears as an inner query SELECT * FROM (<SQL_QUERY>) T1 to support schema discovery.


Appends an ORDER BY clause to the Query.