
Slack Message

The Slack Message Step Handler sends a WebHook message to a Slack channel, allowing you to post notification messages into your Slack feed.


Slack Message

Parameter Value
Slack Web Hook URL The URL to the Slack channel.
Slack Message The message to be sent into the Slack channel.


We use the Slack Message Step Handler to send a message every time a new message arrives in our helpdesk system. Have a look at the steps below for more information on how to get started.

Get the Web Hook URL

In order to ensure your Web Hook request will work make sure that you have created a Slack app, and enabled Incoming Web Hooks.

To get your Slack Web Hook URL required to set the step up choose Add New Web Hook to Workspace in your Slack App settings page. Pick a channel to post to and then choose Authorise. Your Web Hook URL will now be visible under Webhook URLs.

Slack Web Hook URL

For more information on setting up Web Hooks in Slack please visit their page here.

Configure the Ouvvi Step

Enter Slack Web Hook URL

You can enter the Slack Web Hook URL to Ouvvi as a User Setting, meaning that you will only have to type the user defined name rather than the whole URL.

If you have to use the URL again in other project, you can do so by using the user setting rather than typing the whole URL out.

If you use the URL in multiple projects and need to change it, by having the URL stored as a user setting you can edit it within the setting and update all of the projects that use that setting.

Slack Web Hook User Setting

For more information on user settings please visit our User Settings page.

Enter Message

Now enter the message you wish to post to your Slack Channel.

In the below example we are posting the Project Name.

  "text": "Slack Message",
  "attachments": [
      "title": "{{PROJECTNAME}}",
      "title_link": "{{ThisServiceEndpoint}}projects/open/{{PROJECTID}}"
